Joseph: Beyond the Coat of Many
By Mary Englund Murphy
· Joseph
is such a well known Biblical figure; there must be numerous books and Bible
studies on him. What prompted you to write this study?
There are a many books, but few Bible studies devoted entirely to his
story. Several authors include a “Joseph” chapter, but few studies are entirely
devoted to him.
· Your
title is intriguing “Joseph: Beyond the Coat of Many Colors”. What does your
subtitle suggest?
I spent four years studying and writing about Joseph and I was amazed at
the new insights I gained when I put my preconceived ideas aside. Many of us
who were raised in church have what I call a Sunday school or flannel graph
view of Joseph and therefore we miss many of the treasures that are found in a
deeper study of his life. We often visualize him as a little boy dressed in a
multi-colored striped bathrobe. This Bible study goes way beyond all the
preconceived notions about Joseph.
· Give
us a brief overview of Joseph’s story for those who may not be familiar with
the Bible?
Joseph’s story is found in the Old Testament portion of the Bible. He was
the eleventh, and favorite, of the twelve sons of Jacob and was literally
despised and hated by his brothers. When Joseph was seventeen years old, his
father gave him the famous coat. The brothers plotted to murder Joseph but
ended up selling him to slave traders. He spent thirteen years as a slave and a
prisoner in Egypt until Pharaoh heard that he could interpret dreams. When
Joseph gave Pharaoh God’s interpretation he was promoted to second in command
of the nation. Joseph saved the country from famine and eventually was reunited
with his family and brought them to Egypt.
so Joseph had a few very trying years, but look how it all turned out for him –
wealth, prestige, honor, a wife and children, and he was restored to his
family. Anyone could make it through a few difficulties with all that in their
future, right?
That’s exactly what I was referring to previously. We tend to view Joseph
from an overall perspective – the favored child, the multi-colored coat, some
conflict with his brothers, a few rough years in Egypt, then promotion to
wealth and prosperity. Sometimes we think he persevered with virtually no
emotional issues, but the Scriptures indicate that he did he have challenges
with the same things we struggle with like shattered hopes and depression.
Joseph was a great man but he had feelings just like the rest of us.
· The
term “blended family” is used to describe families that have step-children and
step-parents or half-siblings or step-siblings. How do you see Joseph fitting
into those categories?
Joseph’s father Jacob simultaneously had two wives and two concubines,
and all four women produced children. Though culturally acceptable, there were
jealousies and conflict galore. Joseph’s family gave new meaning to the blended
and dysfunctional family. This Bible study addresses many of those issues.
· In
this area, you can relate to Joseph. Tell us a little about your family
I was born into a broken/blended home. My parents were married a total of
10 times. I’ve had 3 stepfathers, two stepmothers, and 21 step, half and
adopted brothers and sisters. In fact, my own family background is one of the
primary reasons I decided to write about Joseph; I can relate to him in so many
· You
recently received some good news in regard to your Joseph Bible study. Can you
share that with us?
“Joseph: Beyond the Coat of Many Colors” won the 2012 SELAH award for
best Bible study. This book is my heart of hearts so it was especially
meaningful and a true honor.
· Many
of the books and studies about Joseph focus on grace and forgiveness. Can you
talk about some of the other things we can learn from his life?
His story is a wealth of information on raising children, dealing with
jealousy, disappointments, peer pressure, sexual purity, employee/employer
relationships, and what to do when you feel like God doesn’t care.
· Is
this study just for women?
Definitely not! It can be used for individuals, group Bible studies, and
Sunday school. I recently heard of a couple who co-taught it in their couple’s
class. You can do the study in eight weeks but I recommend taking it slow and
more in-depth.
· What
primary message do you want people to take away from this study?
To understand God knows the end of your story just as He knew the end of Joseph’s.
Don’t give up; remember God is working in your life with purpose just as He did
in Joseph’s. God isn’t finished with you yet.
· Where
is the study available?
At your local book store or http://www.amazon.com/Joseph-Beyond-Following-Through-Character/dp/0899573339/ref=pd_rhf_gw_p_t_1

Mary’s extraordinary life experiences have
equipped her to grasp the unique needs of women of all ages. She speaks
for retreats, conferences and other special events, and is a member of the
Advanced Writers and Speakers Association. She and her husband Bill reside in
Tulsa, Oklahoma and have three grown children and two grandchildren.
Sounds like a wonderful Bible Study. I've always been intrigued with Joseph's story. My intrigue started with the musical about Joseph and his coat of many colors. I'd love to learn more indepth! :)
ReplyDeleteI love that musical, Kathleen! Hope you get a copy of the study and it will be a blessing to you!
I can't tell you the times I have gone back to the Joseph scriptures especially when my life feels unmanageable as it does right now. My family is broken in many ways and the fractures can be healed only by our Lord. Addictions, abuses, sibling rivalry, (once I told one of my daughters that at least her siblings didn't put her in a pit and leave her like Joseph's brothers did, but those words were shallow and came out of frustration that we can't seem to get it together as a family) children needing homes, court issues, you name it I have been there and done that. I would love to have an in-depth Bible study to see if the things I have discovered match up with your book:)
ReplyDeleteYes, they meant it for evil yet the Lord will bring good, this I believe and press on.
Having raised at least a baker's dozen of other people's children as well as my two home-grown, I can relate to Joseph as he raises the Pharoah's country and his own brothers. My life has been filled with other people's fractured families, and over the last 18 years with my own fractured health. I am at a time and point in my life where I am reflecting and others tell me reflective. I would love to have named those things I already know but just can't seem to put words to.